Jobs & our Economy
As your congressman, I will fight for trade policies that secure and produce US jobs. I will advocate for a modern “New Deal” to support economic growth and job creation. Investing in the future means supported job-training and vocational programs for the next generation and for the workers of Pennsylvania.
When elected, I will fight to modernize our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and build clean energy facilities. This means securing high-speed broadband accessibility for every family, no matter how far apart the homes, or the income of the household. I will advocate for practical solutions for clean energy to conserve natural resources, public parks, and historic Pennsylvania landscapes
As your congressman, generations of working men and women will have a member of congress fighting for them to be free from a lifetime of student loan debt. I will not allow the greed of the current administration to rip the American Dream from another generation and capitalize off the debt of our students. I will never privatize our fundamental values as a nation for the greed of wall street. I will invest in our children and our grandchildren’s futures.
As your Congressman, I will fight to provide affordable access for all healthcare for all Americans. I will protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act. I will work to stop the pharmaceutical industry from holding American lives, especially the lives of our greatest generation hostage. I will fight to ensure that we have affordable access to life saving medications such as insulin, COPD medications, and blood pressure medication. When I am elected I will fight for the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid, including CHIP.